Compuserve information: Title: IrqShow -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright message: IrqShow: IRQ-usage. Author: Stefan Cordes (CompuServe: 100331,3700) Am Kockshof 24 40882 Ratingen Germany Tel.: +49/2102/50290 If you use this program, send DM 15,00 to: Stefan Cordes, Sparkasse Ratingen (301 516 60), Account: 963 363 Or Send me an E-Mail with your Credit Card Number, Valid Date and Name: I do accept: VISA, DINERS, EUROCARD, MASTERCARD, AMERIEX ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: ------------ This program shows in the left upper corner of the textscreen, which IRQs has been called. (01234567 89ABCDEF) ^ ^ ^ IRQ0 IRQ10 IRQ15 Windows: -------- If you are running windows then start a Ms-Dos Box in a Windows (Alt-Space) to see the Int-usage. Information on Interrupts: INT 08 - IRQ0 - SYSTEM TIMER; CPU-generated (80286+) INT 09 - IRQ1 - KEYBOARD DATA READY; CPU-generated (80286,80386) INT 0A - IRQ2 - LPT2/EGA,VGA/IRQ9; CPU-generated (80286+) INT 0B - IRQ3 - SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS (COM2); CPU-generated (80286+) INT 0C - IRQ4 - SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS (COM1); CPU-generated (80286+) INT 0D - IRQ5 - FIXED DISK/LPT2/reserved; CPU-generated (80286+) INT 0E - IRQ6 - DISKETTE CONTROLLER; CPU-generated (80386+) INT 0F - IRQ7 - PARALLEL PRINTER INT 70 - IRQ8 - CMOS REAL-TIME CLOCK INT 71 - IRQ9 - REDIRECTED TO INT 0A BY BIOS INT 72 - IRQ10 - RESERVED INT 73 - IRQ11 - RESERVED INT 74 - IRQ12 - POINTING DEVICE (PS) INT 75 - IRQ13 - MATH COPROCESSOR EXCEPTION (AT and up) INT 76 - IRQ14 - HARD DISK CONTROLLER (AT and later) INT 77 - IRQ15 - RESERVED (AT,PS); POWER CONSERVATION (Compaq) LIMITS: This program only detects IRQ calls (either from Soft- or Hardware) (for example msd.exe calls IRQ0-7 by Software). You can not detect WHO generatet the IRQ (CPU, CD-ROM, HD), only THAT it was generated! START: Start IrqShow by typing irqshow before starting windows. You can remove the program by typeing exit. If IrqShow does remove it immediately check your settings of comspec. It has to show to example: SET COMSPEC=C:\COMMAND.COM Now you can start all your applications (Sound-Card, Scanner, CD-ROM, etc.) to see, which IRQ is going activ. Stefan Cordes